Hello, new friend!

Struggling in a high conflict relationship? 

Whether it’s a spouse, a boss, or a family member,
 it can feel like you can’t escape the painful cycle no matter what you try.

What if there is a way to reduce the anxiety and stress you experience every time you have to interact with that person?

Here's what I want you to know:

It’s entirely possible to make a big impact on how you feel in those relationships - whether you choose to stay or walk away.

(ask me how I know!)

I’m here to help.  I’ve walked this path. 
I’m here to walk beside you and help smooth the road ahead.  

Not sure yet? How about a few quiet minutes and some quick strategies that will make a big difference?

Why Coaching?

Having a coach means having an experienced, been-there-done-that friend walking beside you as you venture into unknown territory.  It’s kind of like hiring a tour guide for that safari vacation - it's much more comfortable facing some wildlife with an experienced guide, isn't it?

Why Wait?

The stress isn’t going anywhere. You've known that for a while. Quite possibly, neither are the relationships causing that stress.  Coaching is your path to changing all that… even if the other person isn’t feeling it.

Why You?

Because you deserve a life that makes you feel peaceful and calm, where you defend your boundaries well, and show up as your authentic self, in a way that makes you proud.  That can start today!

Hi, I'm Alyssa.

So happy to meet ya! Your journey through difficult relationships is tough.  I know, because I’ve been there.  It took me a few years to figure out how to show up to my most challenging relationships the way I wanted to (with confidence and peace).  Now, I’m here to help you make the same shift, in far less time.  

I know from experience that what is happening in your relationship might not be your fault at all.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t change it.  You can change so many things simply by learning the skills of navigating these relationships… and oftentimes, the relationship changes when you change how you are showing up.

I am a certified life coach, with additional education in CBT and NLP.  Learning is always useful, but when combined with life experience, it’s a game changer.  

I’m excited to join you on your journey into peace, healing, and resolve!

So What's Next?

You've got some great choices!

Your first session is free, and it's a chance for us to get to know each other. No strings, no committment necessary. I want to hear your story and share how I can help.

Recorded as three episodes you can binge listen to or digest slowly, this podcast is a insider's look into coaching, how it changed my life, and how it can transform yours.

In the Peaceful Relationships Facebook Group, you get a live session with me once a week, plus daily support, encouragement, and feedback from others who have walked the same path.

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